
small bust problems

Support for Small Busts: Top 10 Blogs

  |   By Elisabeth Dale

You might think that women with small busts don't need much support. But that's not what I found when I wrote a series of articles on the small bust market for The Lingerie Journal.

There's a sense that women with petite or smaller busts couldn't possibly have any bra buying problems. After all, they don't even need to wear a bra. But going bra less isn't always an option or the best foundation solution. Small busts look for the same things in lingerie as larger busted women. They want comfort, fit, and fashion, too.

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It's also assumed that women with small breasts have tons of choices when it comes to lingerie. But I found that most major bra brands start at a B cup, not below. After years of being ignored, fuller busts now have separate shopping sections catering to their needs; either in department stores or on-line. And while many lingerie retailers extend support to DD+ wearers, there hasn't been the same attention paid to the C- cup crowd.

small bustsLula Lu Petites Small Bust Demi Bra
Image via Lula Lu Petites Lingerie

This difference is reflected in the number of lingerie bloggers focused on the issues of smaller boobed women. Putting together a list of top 12 full bust bloggers was easy. But finding the same number dedicated to small busts was a bigger challenge.

Here's my list of the top 10 blogs that support small busts, or provide solutions to petite lingerie problems. (Two are general lingerie blogs, but include helpful information on smaller band and cup sizes.)

1. 32AA Bra. Amanda's blog is dedicated to AA to B cups. While she hasn't posted many articles recently, Amanda has a backlog of  great bra reviews, along with a helpful list of small bust resources.

2. Avariella. This small bust UK retailer specializes in AA, A, and B lingerie. The blog covers a wide range of topics, from wedding lingerie, petite cup nursing and maternity bras, to useful information on the particular fit problems facing women with smaller boobs.

3. Denocte of Kurvendiskussionen. This Austrian blog is packed with interesting info and many bra and lingerie reviews. (And yes, you can easily translate any of her articles from German into English). Denocte is a 30 to 32B/C, and also addresses specific fit and size issues of wearing bralettes.

4. The Lamb, Of Lambs and Lace.  Another wonderful blog from the UK, The Lamb reviews lingerie in size 30B. She's got great tips for petites, including  recommended brands for small busts and a guide to living the small bust life.

5. Rebecca Lightbody (T00ts) Becky is young stylist in the UK who blogs about fashion and lingerie. She's a 28C who wears a 30B or 32A, because there's little available in her smaller band/cup size. Lovely photos and features on fashion forward lingerie styles.

6. The Lingerie Addict. This is not a small bust lingerie blog. Cora covers all sizes and both well-known and independent intimate apparel brands. Some writers fall into the B to C cup range; and you can search the site by size or brand to find specific reviews and articles. You'll also find the latest on lingerie fashion trends and interesting insights and perspectives on the lingerie industry.

7.  The Lingerie Lesbian. Another general lingerie blog dedicated to the love of lingerie, not just for those with small busts. Caro is a B cup who also frequently posts reviews. This site is full of great information on a number of different topics related to lingerie wear and design.

8. Lula Lu Petites Blog.  Written by Ellen Shing, owner of Lula Lu Petites Lingerie, this blog offers helpful information for sizes AAA, AA, and A. You'll find advice on wearing different bra styles, how to embrace your petite size, and even non-surgical ways to boost small busts.

9. Petite and Plentiful.  Marielle lives in the Netherlands. She's a petite young woman who wears a 28E. But don't let the label on her bra mislead you. You'll want to read her post about thinking she was a 32B before she discovered her true bra size. She has a long list of bra reviews (in 28 and 30 bands with cups D/DD and E) that are worth checking out.

10. Small Bust, Big Heart. Catherine is another blogger from the UK. She offers her perspective as a woman in her early 30s, who went from an A to a AA after pregnancy. She does lingerie reviews and touches on body image issues related to small busts.

Are you a small buster? Where do you find the best lingerie resources? Please add any favorite blogs in the comments below!

Featured image: Ysé Lingerie

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