White bras make me think of my early teens when my mom took me to the intimate apparel department of The Bon Marche (now Macy's) to buy my first bra. I wasn't thrilled.
Not because I was embarrassed about my recent breast development. My new bra shopping adventure felt awkward because my mother looked at my chest in disbelief. She didn't know how to dress breasts of my size. Nope. Her baby girl had way bigger boobs.
Worse yet, I soon discovered, were my bra options. The old, intimidating saleswoman took one look at me and motioned us to follow. We walked past rows of lovely 1960's pastel solids and floral bra sets, straight to a back wall. That's where they kept their stock of bras made for my 34D size -- stiff, white, matronly cotton foundations more appropriate for my grandmother. These white bras looked clinical, sterile, and not very stylish.
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Thankfully things have changed over the past four decades. White bras are now hot. You don't have to be planning a wedding to wear them, either. If I were 13 today, I would have a full range of choices, including bralettes, longlines, and demi-bra styles. I could choose modern, luxury, or vintage designs, at any price point (although my mother's budget might limit some of these possibilities).
I've learned to love the crisp simplicity of beautiful white foundations. They remind me of cold, snowy Winter days. Their brightness is a shiny beacon in dark stormy weather. White clothing takes a little more work to maintain, but I think the effort is worth it. Just remember always to check labels and follow the manufacturer's recommended washing instructions.
To honor my long ago lingerie shopping desires, here are 12 incredible white bras -- all in my youthful teen size. Today's grandmothers would be thrilled with these choices, too!
Natori Feathers Underwire Longline Bra Available in Bands 32-36, Cups B-DD via Nordstrom Mimi Holliday Snowdrop Lace Bralette Available in Sizes XS-XL via Nordstrom Wacoal Embrace Lace Underwire Bra Available in Bands 32-38, Cups C-DDD via Bloomingdales

Do you wear white bras? Would you wear any of these brands or styles?