I've always loved the look of flirty babydolls, but had no clue about the origin of the classic lingerie style until I wrote this post.
The name is linked to the 1956 film, Baby Doll, directed by Elia Kazan. It's based on the Tennessee Williams story of two feuding gin owners living in the deep South. Carroll Baker plays Baby Doll, virgin wife of a middle-aged man, who in 3 days time (her 20th birthday) must consummate their marriage. Baby Doll sleeps in a nursery bed, wears short baby doll dresses, and taunts the men with her sexuality. At the time, the controversial film was boycotted by Catholics and condemned by Time Magazine. (For more, see below.)
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Today's flirty babydolls haven't lost any of their girly, sexy appeal. And the empire waist design flatters all boob sizes and body types.
Here are 12 modern-day versions of the lingerie babydoll, just in time for Valentine's Day:
Curvy Kate Ritzy Babydoll Available in Bands 32-38, Cups E-HH via Bare Necessities

To see what Carroll Baker wore in the film, check out this trailer:
[youtube_sc url="http://youtu.be/GrcnWKvDjwk" playlist="Baby Doll film"]
Have you ever worn a babydoll style dress or lingerie? What do you think of the history behind the name? Is it creepy or classic?