Many women are reluctant to buy their lingerie online. They’re afraid a bra might not fit, be delivered in the wrong size, or be a hassle to return. But nothing could be further from the truth.
Buying bras, panties, shapewear, and even swimwear online can be more convenient and less of a time and money waster than you think. How often have you driven to a store, struggled to find a parking spot, and then found out that they didn't offer much support or style in your size? Knowing where and how to buy lingerie online is a smart skill to master.
Here are The Breast Life dos and don’ts of how to buy lingerie online:
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Do: visit a few different sites to discover which ones suit you best. You may be more comfortable shopping from big online retailers, like HerRoom, Bare Necessities, or Linda the Bra Lady. Or you might have specific lingerie tastes or certain size needs. Hips & Curves, Lula Lu, or Dollhouse Bettie could be a better fit for you. (Note: there are tons of places to buy lingerie online, including shops with their own awesome websites. This very short list gives you a small taste of the range of possibilities.)
Do: carefully read website return policies before you order. You may be asked to return items a certain way (to avoid crushing a molded cup bra, for example). Read the fine print before you place your order and never rip off price tags until you’re absolutely sure you’re satisfied.
Do: know the criteria used to define a well-fitting bra. This also helps determine which of your bras need replacing, and why. For instance, if you are spilling out of your cups, you need to go up a cup size. Review the basic bra fitting rules.
Do: order bra styles or lingerie brands that you already prefer. Not every bra style fits every woman. Think about the best bras you've worn to shreds. Did they offer minimum or maximum coverage? Were they padded, have contour, or softer seam or lace cups? Narrow down the style of bra or brands you prefer, even before size.

Do: read customer reviews. Not sure about a bra? Most websites include customer feedback. Many offer info not only on bra size, but height, age, and even body shape of bra raters.
Don’t: be overwhelmed by all the choices. All the styles and brands may feel intimidating at first. Use the lingerie website's search engine to narrow down selections in your size, style, and brand preferences.
Don’t: expect to wear the same size across all bra brands and styles. Most sites offer additional advice, opening up specific sizing windows with useful, added info.

Don’t: be disappointed if the bra arrives, fits well, but you don’t like the way it looks or feels on your body or under your clothes. Technical fit is only one aspect of finding a great bra. Each woman's boob needs are unique and different, just like her breasts. But if one bra isn't right, another will be.
What about you? Where do you prefer to shop for your intimate apparel? What are your favorite websites or tips to buy lingerie online?
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