I know I can extend the life of my lingerie by following three key rules on bra washing day: (1) do it by hand (2) wash in cool water with gentle soap, and (3) always line dry. So why don't I follow them?
It’s easier to zip my dirty bras up in a mesh lingerie bag, set the dial to cold, and take them for a quick spin in the gentle cycle. I don’t toss them in the dryer because heat destroys elastic, padding, and delicate fabrics. So I can't speed up the drying time. But I hesitate mixing sweat soaked sports bras with prettier delicates. How many loads do I need to do in a day? Then I tell myself hand washing is too complicated and time-consuming.
Not anymore. I found that rinse free Soak Wash meets my diverse bra washing needs. Some days I sweat more than others. One bra might need to be laundered after every use (the sturdy sports style) while another can wait a week or two (the sexy black strapless only worn for a couple of hours). My bra wardrobe varies over the course of a day so having a flexible hand washing routine makes sense.
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Here’s how I handle the once or twice week task:
First, I gather up required tools: a pair of rubber gloves (no sacrificing my manicure), a thick fluffy towel, and a plastic hanger with clips. Second, while filling my bathroom sink with cool water, I pour in a wee bit of Soak Wash. I gently submerge two or three like-colored bras under the bubbles. Then I set a timer for 15 minutes. Once the alarm goes off, I drain the sink. Nope, no need to rinse again or worry about soapy build-up. I place wet bras on an absorbent towel and gently squeeze out any excess water. Finally, I hang up my lingerie (or leave it flat) to dry. The entire process -- excluding wait time -- takes no more than 5 to 10 minutes. I never knew it could be so easy!
Another advantage to using Soak Wash (or similar lingerie wash brands, like Eucalan) is the option to add a fun fragrance to my wash day. You can choose from scents like Lacey, Celebration, or the latest, citrus and eucalyptus infused Yuzu. These don’t linger on fabric but do leave my bathroom smelling lovely. Plus convenient on-the-go packets or flight safe 3 oz bottles are great for travel. I like having a handy way to perk up my pretty foundations when I’m on the road. And Soak Wash can also be used in a regular washing machine if you choose.
It’s called “intimate” apparel for good reason. I should treat my bras the same way I’d want an intimate partner to handle my breasts: with respect, tenderness, and a gentle touch. That’s living my breast life.
What’s your view? Do you hand or machine-wash your bras? What’s your routine?