
15 Random Facts About Me

  |   By Elisabeth Dale

If you're like me, you subscribe to a bunch of different blogs. One of my favorites is Nancy's Point, written by a wise and compassionate woman. She talks about breast cancer and loss, no easy topics to cover.

Nancy recently challenged her blog writer friends to join her in going a bit off-topic, for a change and as a way to get to know each other better. She asked us to write a list of 15 random facts about our lives.

How could I resist? So, here are:

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15 Random Facts About Me

1. I was born in Munich, Germany and spent the first six years of my life in Orleans, France. French is my first language, although I’ve lost my ability to speak it fluently. My studied accent still fools most Parisian cab drivers, though. I am a Frenchwoman at heart. The blood in my veins runs faster when I'm on French soil. It may be why I love shoes and lingerie.

2. I played piano for ten years and could transpose music by ear. I also played drums, guitar, violin, and banjo. I'm planning on taking up the guitar again.

3. I grew up with a pipe organ in my living room. They had to cut a hole in the ceiling to make it fit.

4. Music moves me. All music. Even country-western. (Okay, maybe not techno.)

5. I put everything I owned in storage one year and drove to Los Angeles to escape the cold and wet Pacific Northwest winter. I'm still here, nearly four years later.

6. My first paid writing gig was for the Sunday London Times. I was 50.

7. I had my first book published at 51. That led to my making appearances on Good Morning America, The Tyra Banks Show, and multiple TV, radio and print interviews. Yes, writing a book will change your life.

8. I’ve written female erotica under a pseudonym. Playgirl wanted to publish one of my short stories, but I didn't have the heart to edit it down to meet their article length, so it never made it into print.

9. Seattle's Live Girls Theater produced my 10-minute play, "Boob Job."

15 random facts about me

Director, cast, and author of "Boob Job" (when I was randomly a blond)

10. I use parentheticals (a lot) in my writing and wonder what that says about my personality.

11. Like every other laptop user stationed at a Hollywood coffeehouse, I too am writing a screenplay.

12. I make a mean grilled cheese sandwich.

13. I once took a two-hour tassel-twirling class and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It should be a rite of passage for every boob owner.

14. I attended a 10-day silent meditation retreat (no talking, reading, or writing). It was life-changing, and I hope to do it again soon.

15. I am the old friend who will straighten you the fuck out. People like that about me.

What about you? Do any of these 15 random facts about me surprise you? Feel free to add one or two random things about yourself in the comments below!

Featured Image © Ron Rinaldi Photography

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