Ever thought about doing a lingerie photoshoot? Not as a gift for a partner, be it their birthday or Valentine's Day. I'm talking about getting out of your comfort zone, embracing vulnerability, and celebrating your one, beautiful feminine self.
It can be scary to wear next to nothing for a photographer. But who says you have to show it to anyone? I'm a huge proponent of memorializing your physical body, not because you've lost a bunch of weight or finally have six-pack abs. Nope, there are plenty of great reasons why every woman should take the time to do a lingerie photoshoot.
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I didn't do my first until I was nearly 60 years old. And I was part of a group of other lingerie bloggers who were all way younger than me. (Now that's intimidating.) Since then, I've gone on to do two more. And it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made. And mind you, although I do stand-up, it's not the same thing as posing for a camera.
Here are the five reasons why you should give a lingerie photoshoot a try:
1. It's the perfect way to capture a moment in time.
That's right. You'll only be 22, 36, 49, or 62, once in your life. Why not commemorate it with this gift to yourself? I did one right before my 62nd birthday. I figured that no matter how the photos turned out, I'd be thrilled to look back at them in my 70s. And while I have other images (fully clothed) from when I was younger, I'm still partial to the half-dressed ones of me, taken last year. Plus, I picked out some favorite pieces of clothing, lingerie, and jewelry that I don't often wear, but can enjoy through these photographs.
2. You get to be you.
You can decide what to wear, how much or how little, and how to pose. At my first shoot, I wore a gorgeous silk nightgown and sheer robe. This choice allowed me to cover up the wobbly bits that I was afraid to show. But in the end, the photo I liked best was a black and white one where my robe was open to reveal my bra. Who knew?
3. You don't have to be a professional fashion model or even aspire to be one.
Head over to Instagram, and you'll find bloggers and others who regularly post photos of themselves. None of them look like me, but that's the point. There's no requirement when it comes to age or body type. You can do it too. And with today's fancy phone cameras, you don't even need to spend money to hire a professional---although I recommend that you do if you have the budget. (Plenty of women photographers available too.) Want to try some new wild makeup look? Here's your chance. And the options for what to wear are endless and aren't necessarily pricey, including fabulous accessories.
You don't even have to smile. If you're not sure what to do with your body, take your inspiration from bloggers and models on Instagram. Go ahead and check out the poses, or arm and leg movements, you like best. Or make up your own. Some of my fav pics are those where I improvised.

4. It's a glorious gift to yourself.
Yes, it's indulgent. But so are a lot of other things. And when was the last time you put yourself first? That's not such a bad thing if it teaches you something new or boosts your self-confidence. Especially if work responsibilities or family obligations feel overwhelming, think of it as a self-care vacation.
5. You'll treasure the result.
I'm not also self-confident on the day of my shoot, but I've always found the results to be worth the effort. It's a way to look at myself in a different way (and better lighting). Whether I'm wearing a stunning gown and robe, or matching bra set, doesn't matter. It's about capturing my true and authentic self. And in the end, that's the best gift of all.
What about you? Have you done a lingerie photoshoot? What was your experience?
Featured image: Wearing Fleur of England, Mikel Healey Photography