There's a new decade ahead, and it's tempting to track all my accomplishments over the past one. While it's always good to look back on how far I've come, I'm more interested in what's next. What's going to push me out of my comfort zone and help me grow?
With six decades behind me, I can count on one hand the number of them I have left. Not to be morbid, but there's no time to waste. Not when it comes to my commitment to what I'm most passionate about: screenwriting, comedy, and performing. Which, for me, means spending less time, money, and energy on this website, blogging, and promoting it all on social media. It's not where my heart is anymore. And after a decade of blogging about boobs, it's clear there are many others to turn to for inspiration about bras, lingerie, and body image.
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In a way, I'm not ending anything, but coming full circle. I've always wanted to share women's stories. It's what I explore in my standup comedy and numerous draft pilot and feature scripts. The inner lives of women are fascinating, whether it's how we perceive ourselves or others view us. And there's much to draw on from my life, as well. But all that takes time and focus. (Then again, maybe when you live long enough, you figure it's time to say what you need to say, regardless of its perceived value.)
When I came to Los Angeles, I planned to stay for three months. It's been eight years now, and I can't see living anywhere else. When I took my first creative writing class (back in 2005), my goal was to finish the short, six-week course. Now, two books, one play, hundreds of blogs, and one pilot later, I can't imagine doing anything else. It doesn't matter whether I'm a best-selling author or make loads of money. It's who I am and what I must do.
At the end of January, I'll be taking a break from the blog and most social media. But I'll also be thinking about how to rebrand The Breast Life. That may mean journaling about my screenwriting adventures, writing about what inspires me, or sharing my thoughts on reinventing myself in my 60s. But for right now, I need the freedom to launch a different creative routine in the new decade. (Focus, focus, focus!)
I am thankful to all my readers and followers. These last 12 years have been one big learning journey. And it's still hard to believe that a short story about my boobs would lead to a writing career (and Nora Ephron's). Launching The Breast Life led me to Los Angeles. And the biggest lesson I've learned? It's all about baby steps. Taking even a tiny one can change your entire life—including where you live.
Let me know what small steps you'll be taking in the coming year or decade. Here's to a wonderful New Year!!