
What's Up With My Hair? My Life In Head Shots

You might be asking yourself, what’s up with Elisabeth’s hair? Maybe you’ve seen me go from a brunette, redhead, to a blond over the years.  I recently bared my soul for the What’s Wrong With You? Podcast, where I talked about my faults and failures in life. And it got me thinking about how far I’ve come, […]

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Redesigning The Breast Life: Our New Look

What’s up with The Breast Life? We’ve got a new look, along with a more succinct tagline. Why the change? Like everything else, The Breast Life continues to evolve. And we hope these changes make it easier to navigate the site and take advantage of all that we have to offer. First, we’re adding some beautiful […]

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lingerie blogging

Should Lingerie Blogging Have An Age Limit?

While I was on the phone the other night with a friend, the most awkward aspect of my job came up: lingerie blogging. The friend in question is great, but she lives a state away now. Our friendship consists of long phone calls every other week to keep in touch. In our latest one, she […]

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Estelle Puleston

Introducing Estelle Puleston of Esty Lingerie

The great thing about my job is learning about lingerie brands, retailers, and bloggers from all over the world. One of those people is Estelle Puleston of Esty Lingerie. I first ran into Esty Lingerie when stumbling across their extensive lingerie blogger database (which I included in my book). It’s a fabulous resource, whether your interest is in […]

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